By joining Asmae, you affirm your commitment to the association by actively participating in its work, taking part in the General Meeting and by endorsing its fundamental principles, in particular its associative project.

- Declare your commitment to the cause of vulnerable children in France and around the world;
- Support our guiding principle: working in partnership with local associations to implement tailored and sustainable projects;
- Uphold the vision of a child as an individual full of potential that must be protected and supported in all aspects of development, taking into account their environment so that they can realise their potential and become a member of society;
- Show your commitment to the values carried by Sister Emmanuelle: engagement, optimism, respect and solidarity.
To have the ability to:
- Ensure democracy and diversity within the association;
- Assert a right to inspect how the institutions operate and to share your comments and suggestions;
- Have a say in the association’s strategic and financial decisions, by voting at the Annual General Meeting;
- Get a closer look at the association’s activities and functions;
- Benefit from a space to get to know our team and to have a say.
You can also join Asmae by completing the Membership Form and returning it with your €20 joining fee to:
Asmae – Association Sœur Emmanuelle, Immeuble le Méliès 259, 261 rue de Paris – 93100 Montreuil
For more information, contact the donor relations team at – 01 70 32 02 63 – service.donateurs@asmae.fr

Asmae is an association under the law of 1901, recognized as a public utility and authorized to receive legacies, gifts and donations. Asmae benefits from the label Don en confiance (Trusted Donation) which ensures that donors are respected. By donating to Asmae, you are assured that the use of your donation corresponds to your intention.