Meet the French celebrities who support us and shout “Yalla”, like Sister Emmanuelle, for the protection and education of children.

June 2022

Replay of the show on, for Humanitarian Yoga Week. (Listen from 2min30 to 15min07)
May 2022

forward, children !
December 2021

Sœur Emmanuelle campaigning with the Presidents.

Sœur Emmanuelle enters the presidential campaign.
November 2021

Yalla Tour 2021 : reports on France 3 regional television
Link to the video here – France 3 Brittany
Link to the video here – France 3 Auvergne
Link to the video here – France 3 Normandy

World Children’s Day: The Yalla 2021 Tour and the new digital platform module in the spotlight.
July 2021

Sœur Emmanuelle: nicknamed “the little sister of the poor”… Here is her story.

Humanitarian aid: children – the hidden victims of the Covid-19 pandemic. Interview with Adrien Sallez, Executive Director of Asmae.
June 2021

Rennes: Yoga fundraising sessions to raise money for children.

“Yalla! For the rights of the child”: a tour in June to round off a very busy school year.
May 2021

The Asmae programme’s mobile library motorbike project “Read your way to success”: the mobile library sets out to conquer neglected cultural deserts.

French art dealer Hervé Odermatt presents his philanthropic work alongside Asmae.
February 2021

Sister Emmanuelle ranks among the most prominent French figures of the last four decades.
December 2020

Sœur Emmanuelle advocates for children with The Presidents.

Asmae makes a plea for donations to help children sleeping on the streets.

120 million children live on the streets around the world: Asmae appeals for donations to help step up its work.
November 2020

Report on poverty in France by the Observatory of inequalities – Interview with Adrien Sallez, Executive Director of Asmae.

Le Figaro archives – Sœur Emmanuelle, the “little sister of the poor”.

Historically Yours by Stéphane Bern: the extraordinary destiny of Sister Emmanuelle.

World Children’s Day: The Yalla 2020 Tour and the new digital platform module in the spotlight.
June 2020

Tribune: Covid-19 doesn’t recognise borders; solidarity doesn’t either!
May 2020

Protecting in times of crisis: Asmae’s mission.
Link to the article here

Getting involved hands-on with Asmae and Adrien Sallez, Executive Director.