Asmae is an officially recognised independent, and secular non-profit organisation. It was created in 1980 by Sister Emmanuelle to protect and educate the most vulnerable children around the world. Operating in 6 countries Egypt, Lebanon, Philippines, Madagascar, Burkina Faso, France, Asmae aims to support the local actors who strive to promote the autonomy of the most vulnerable children through education and protection.

Faithful to the values of listening and reciprocity conveyed thirty years ago by Sister Emmanuelle, Asmae staff continue to work together with community associations, providing guidance and support. In France and internationally, they also support parents, in order to guarantee proper development for their children and respect for their rights. 


countries of intervention


years of action

31 850

beneficiaries in 2021


projects in 2021


partner associations



“A just world which ensures that children can live and grow up in dignity with their families and in their environment, so they can become free women and men who actively participate in society.”

Sister Emmanuelle


Supporting children’s development using a holistic approach 

To do this, Asmae also works to support families by taking their environment into account. Building on the foundation of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, Asmae focuses on children from birth to the age of 18 and adopts an approach founded on gender equality and children’s rights. 

Building the capacity of local actors

Asmae supports the development and builds the capacity of existing local partners. In particular, it aims to support the structures and innovative initiatives of its partners. What makes Asmae unique is not simply partnership, it is above all its tailored and long-term support for the work its local partners do with beneficiaries. Asmae and its partners share their assessments of children’s challenges and needs, and reflect together on the way they will share their resources to make progress.

Experimenting, expanding, and disseminating

Asmae initiates and supports innovative studies. It disseminates acquired knowledge according to its methods and principles and gives free rein to other actors to do (or not to do) the same, through publications, training, or advocacy. Asmae supports other actors in applying its methods, and it is also operationally involved in projects.

Defending children by raising awareness and speaking on their behalf

Asmae’s mission is to raise awareness of mutual aid and development not only in the immediate circle around the child (family and community), but also among the general public through local actors (children’s rights bodies, leaders, etc.) as well as the media. Asmae speaks out to transform society and raise awareness in governments. This advocacy continues to derive its force from the memory and message of Sister Emmanuelle.


In each country, we work with local associations that strive towards the same goals as ours: to improve the living conditions of vulnerable children and to allow them to develop and achieve their potential. These partnerships are conducted around the shared values of respecting differences, non-discrimination, and attention to the environment of the child.

Our relationships take place in the context of development, not of handouts, with the goal that these associations should no longer need our help. We also believe that supporting these local actors who know the issues, the culture, and the responses much better than we do, is the best way to make progress for children.


The Asmae Board of Directors has 13 members:

Members of the Executive Committee: 

  • Catherine Larrieu – President
  • Jean-Louis Medioni – Vice-President
  • Etienne Durand – Treasurer
  • Catherine Alvarez – Secretary

Other board members:

  • Dominique Guillet
  • Jean-Frédéric Geolier
  • Soheila Mameli
  • Anna Marme-Karelse
  • Denis Legat
  • Clémentine Père
  • Louis-Marie Piron
  • Sophie Prado
  • Elisabeth Simond-Cote


Everyone in the Asmae (Association Sœur Emmanuelle) team promotes mutual support and the creativity of all of its actors and members (employees and volunteers), by continuing to promote the values of respect and listening. The association consists of the Head Office, field teams, volunteers, and the Bobigny centre.


  • Adrien Sallez, General Director, Executive Director of Communication and Private Resources
  • Juliette Fouché, Director of “La Chrysalide”
  • Christian Blanchard, International Action director
  • Nha Quyen Seguin, Secretary General



staff members in France


staff members abroad

