Asmae is registered with various organizational networks in order to collectively lead joint actions of development support or direct assistance to disadvantaged populations, and to advocate to policy-makers internationally, nationally, or locally. Asmae’s involvement in these collectives results in both the sharing of resources and experiences, and in mobilisations intended to assert human rights in the world, specifically those of children.
Childhood Group
The Childhood Group of the Humanitarian and Development Coordination brings together 19 NGOs committed to the defence of child rights internationally. These organisations have gathered together since 2014 with the shared conviction that constant and sustained attention to children and their rights is a powerful lever to initiate a virtuous circle towards peace and achieving sustainable development goals.

Education Coalition
The Education Coalition brings together 22 French civil society organizations: unions, international solidarity organizations, NGOs defending the right to education, and popular education organisations. Together, they demand the right to quality inclusive education for all, notably for the most vulnerable. The Education Coalition leads advocacy to encourage governments to finance education for the most disadvantaged people. It leads campaigns to raise awareness and mobilise citizens and the media regarding issues related to quality education for all. The Education Coalition is a member of the Global Campaign for Education, where it expresses these rights at the French and European level.
Coordination SUD
Coordination SUD is the national coordination of French international solidarity NGOs. Founded in 1994 as an association under the1901 law, today it brings together more than 170 French NGOs working in international solidarity. One hundred members through six collectives: CLONG-Volunteering (Liaison Committee of Nongovernmental Organizations), Cnajep (Committee for International and National Relations of Youth and Popular Education Associations), Humanitarian and Development Coordination, Crid (Centre for Regional and International Development), Forim (Forum of International Migration Solidarity Organisations), Initiatives Group. Coordination SUD provides a quadruple mission of advocacy for the sector, strengthening of the professionalisation of organisations through advice and training, advocacy for international solidarity alongside public and private institutions, and monitoring services for the analysis and broadcast of information.

F3E is a network of stakeholders in international solidarity and cooperation. It is a multi-stakeholder network reuniting more than 85 French member organisations: NGOs, regional agencies, networks, foundations, unions, etc. In addition to being a reference network for evaluation of practices, the F3E offers innovative complementary methodologies, driving positive changes and reducing inequalities. Thanks to our expertise, our ambition is to collectively develop evaluation and assessment practices with the goal of social transformation in France and internationally.
La Dynamique « De la Convention aux Actes ! »
La Dynamique « De la Convention aux Actes ! » (The Dynamics “From Convention to Action”) is a group of non-governmental organisations, associations, and collectives brought together in 2019 for the 30-year anniversary of the existence of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the United Nations. Its objective is to express messages and advocacy towards public decision-makers for an increased respect of child rights in France and internationally, and also has the goal of raising the public’s awareness of these issues.

The NEF Network
The Naître dans l’Est Francilien network is a non-profit (loi 1901) multi-departmental perinatal-specific health association. This network assists in the provision of ongoing comprehensive care for the pregnant woman and her child through a coordinated response by relevant professionals.
The Fédération Nationale des Centres Parentaux (FNCP) works to support the country’s Parenting Centres from their creation to their promotion and in the representation of their interests to the public authorities. It also contributes in supporting clinical research and the exchange of professional practices within the fields of child protection and parental support.

The Association Francilienne pour Favoriser l’Insertion par le Logement (AFFIL) is a networking and meeting space that contributes to the decompartmentalisation and development of partnerships between the accommodation and housing sectors. It has around sixty members: associations promoting integration through housing and SIAO (Services intégrés de l’accueil et de l’orientation), social landlords, Action Logement and also local authorities.

Interlogement93 (Interhousing93)
Interlogement93 is an association network of 45 associations of Seine-Saint-Denis. The association manages different social rental management and support systems, intended for people with challenges accessing and staying in housing.

C2DI 93 is an association that has worked in the mediation and HR consulting fields since 2001 in support of businesses and job seekers. Established in Seine-Saint-Denis, it also operates within the perimeter of the Ile-de-France region.

The departmental inter-association for education and childhood in Seine-Saint-Denis (IDÉE 93) is the realization of a partnership between several stakeholders in the field of child protection, with the desire to adopt a legitimate tool to have a dialogue with public authorities. Child protection covers several areas of work, and IDÉE 93 identifies the common issues and formulates proposals for them at the political level, specifically to the Conseil Général (General Council) of Seine-Saint-Denis. The inter-association’s vocation is to influence public policy and departmental mechanisms. With its twenty-six affiliates, IDÉE 93 is today a recognized and vital partner of the Conseil Général of Seine-Saint-Denis.
REAAP is a network of institutions and organisations that provides actions and activities for, by and with parents. It is aimed at all families, volunteers and professionals from associations or institutions who are keen to support parents in their educational role with their children.
- The Civil Society Platform for Children (PFSCE)
- Platform of International NGOs working in Madagascar (PINGOS)
- The National Board of Education (CNE)
- The National Platform for the Steering Committee for Education (PNPSE)
- The Technical Committee for the Minister of National Education (MEN)
- The Working Group for Child Protection (GTPE)
- The Consultative Framework of International NGOs active in the field of Disability (CCI-Handicap)
- The Consultative Framework of Inclusive Education Stakeholders, led by the Minister of National Education and Literacy and of the Promotion of National Languages (MENAPLN)
- The Education Cluster for Emergency Situations
- Child Rights Network
- Child Rights Convention-Civil Society Coalition
- UNFPA Philippines GBV Sub-Cluster
- Council for the Welfare of Children-Sub-Committee on the Protection and Welfare of Children in Street Situation
- Council for the Welfare of Children-Sub Committee for Children with Disability
- National Committee on Child and Youth Participation
- Department of Social Welfare and Development National GBV Sub-Cluster
- Manila Council for the Protection of Children
The Lebanese Humanitarian INGO Forum (LHIF)